Call of Duty Direct Top-up Indonesia

0.60 $490.00 $

This TopUp for Indonesia players only 

charge your account on Call of Duty easily with your Game ID.


Call Of Duty Mobile

Official CALL OF DUTY® is designed exclusively for mobile phones. Play iconic multiplayer maps and modes anytime, anywhere. 100 player Battle Royale background? Fast 5v5 team deathmatch? Sniper vs sniper battle? Activision’s free-to-play CALL OF DUTY®: MOBILE has it all.


How to find the User ID  To find your PlayerID:

[1] Log in to your profile and enter the game lobby.

[2] Click on the “Settings” button at the top right.

[3] In “Settings”, click on the “LEGAL AND PRIVACY” tab and you will find your PlayerID.

Download Game HERE


يمكنك شحن حسابك على لعبه كول اوف ديوتي بكل سهوله  فقط بالايدي الخاص داخل اللعبه

ادخل الايدي الخاص بك واختار الكميه التي تريدها واذهب الي الدفع وسوف يتم اكمال طلبك خلال دقايق


Additional information

Call of Duty Direct Top-up with ID

CoD Points 30, CoD Points 80, CoD Points 420, CoD Points 880, CoD Points 2400, CoD Points 5000, CoD Points 10800, CoD Points 21600, CoD Points 32400, CoD Points 43200, CoD Points 54000