Game Power 7 – 2000 Pts. Pin

210.00 $


About Game Power 7 (Global)

Game Power 7 (Global), a company that has been hosting and publishing Arabic online games since 2007; also a pioneer in hosting Arabic games. Online gaming has been a part of our daily lifestyle which is still trending in this digital era and Game Power 7 (Global) is inspired to develop more Arabic games, encouraging the passion for Arabic E-sports in the Middle Eastern region.

Where to Use Game Power 7 Points (Global)?

Game Power 7 (Global) houses a popular Online Arabic browser game Arabic Ministry of War, The Roar and published free to play Arabic version for Anime online MMORPG Fiesta Online – Arafiesta.

Recharge or top up Game Power 7 – 2000 Pts. Pin through OffGamers to enhance your gaming experience in Arabic Rappelz, Adrenaline, and Arafiesta with armour, weapons, equipment, healing powers and other in-game items.