PSN 600.000 RP (ID)
46.50 $
(PSN) PlayStation Voucher
Enjoy PlayStation® content with the convenient PlayStation®Store Cash Card, which allows you to purchase downloadable games, game add-ons, full-length movies, TV shows, and even PlayStation®Plus subscriptions. Buy one for yourself or as a gift card for someone else!
- Description
Discover Exciting New Content on PlayStation®Store
(PSN) PlayStation Store is your go-to for the latest games, classics, add-ons, and more. Just connect your PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita, or PlayStation®3 to the PlayStation Store and buy content anytime!
Browse Anywhere
The PlayStation Store is open for business on your PS4™, PS3™ and PS Vita systems, tablets, laptops and smartphones. Access from anywhere. Find the games and content you want, and download them to the platform of your choice at the touch of a button.
Shop now at
Terms and Conditions:
- The PlayStation®Plus membership code can only be used on PlayStation™Network (PSN) where the area of residence of the account holder must be Indonesian and will expire 12 months from the date of purchase.
- Use of this code and/or use of purchased content or services on PlayStation™Network is subject to the “PSN Terms of Service and User Agreement”, located at By using this code or by purchasing and/or using content or services on PSN, you agree to the PSN Terms of Service and User Agreement.
- Your PlayStation®Plus membership will automatically renew unless you cancel your “auto-renewal” setting before it expires.
- This code may be suspended or terminated without notice if Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc has reason to suspect fraudulent, abusive or unlawful use.
- This code has no cash value and cannot be exchanged for other cash alternatives or prepaid vouchers.
- Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. reserves the right to final rights in the event of a dispute.
Temukan Konten Baru yang Menarik di PlayStation®Store
(PSN) PlayStation Store adalah tujuan untuk mendapatkan game terbaru, klasik, add-on, dan banyak lagi. Cukup hubungkan PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita, atau PlayStation®3 anda ke PlayStation Store dan beli konten kapan saja!
Jelajahi Di Mana Saja
PlayStation Store terbuka untuk bisnis di sistem PS4™, PS3™, dan PS Vita, tablet, laptop, dan smartphone Anda. Akses dari mana saja. Temukan game dan konten yang Anda inginkan, dan unduh ke platform pilihan Anda dengan satu sentuhan tombol.
Belanja sekarang di
Syarat dan Ketentuan:
- Kode keanggotaan PlayStation®Plus hanya dapat dipakai di PlayStation™Network (PSN) di mana area tempat tinggal pemegang akun harus Indonesia dan akan kedaluwarsa 12 bulan sejak tanggal pembelian.
- Penggunaan kode ini dan/atau penggunaan konten atau layanan yang dibeli di PlayStation™Network tunduk pada “Ketentuan Layanan dan Perjanjian Pengguna PSN”, yang terdapat di Dengan menggunakan kode ini atau dengan membeli dan/atau menggunakan konten atau layanan di PSN, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan dan Perjanjian Pengguna PSN.
- Keanggotaan PlayStation®Plus akan diperpanjang secara otomatis kecuali Anda membatalkan pengaturan “perpanjangan otomatis” sebelum kedaluwarsa.
- Kode ini dapat ditangguhkan atau dihentikan tanpa pemberitahuan jika Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc memiliki alasan untuk mencurigai penggunaan yang curang, kasar, atau melanggar hukum.
- Kode ini tidak memiliki nilai tunai dan tidak dapat ditukar dengan alternatif uang tunai atau voucher prabayar lainnya.
- Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc berhak atas hak terakhir jika terjadi perselisihan.
About PlayStation Network Card (PSN)
Add funds to your PlayStation® Network wallet without the need for a credit card. Top up your PlayStation® Network wallet with Egycards to purchase thousands of exclusive games, add-on content, movies, music, and more through PlayStation®Store and Sony Entertainment Network Store, accessible with your PS5, PS4, PS3 or PSP, or PC
Wallet funds can then be used to purchase content and services from PlayStation™Store.
How to purchase the new PlayStation Plus (launching on 24 May 2022)
Add funds to your wallet with Egycards in order to purchase the new PlayStation Plus.
- Purchase PlayStation Network Card via Egycards
- Sign in to PlayStation Network on your PS5, PS4, PS3, PSP or PC.
- Head to PlayStation Store and select the Redeem Codes icon at the top of the page.
- Enter the PSN card code and the funds will be added to your wallet instantly.
- Head to the subscription page to purchase the new subscription plan (Essential, Extra or Deluxe) that you prefer.
PlayStation Plus Membership
Discover your next great adventure with brand-new catalogs of hundreds of current and classic games, limited-time trials, online multiplayer, member-exclusive discounts and more, with a choice of three new membership options.
Monthly games, online multiplayer and more |
Discover hundreds of games |
All access, no limits |
Monthly games | Monthly games | Monthly games |
Online multiplayer | Online multiplayer | Online multiplayer |
Exclusive discounts | Exclusive discounts | Exclusive discounts |
Cloud Storage | Cloud Storage | Cloud Storage |
Share Play | Share Play | Share Play |
PlayStation Plus Collection* | PlayStation Plus Collection* | PlayStation Plus Collection* |
Game Help* | Game Help* | Game Help* |
Game Catalog | Game Catalog | |
Game Trials |
Enjoy all the core PlayStation Plus benefits of online multiplayer, monthly games and more with the PlayStation Plus Essential plan. Take it up a level with a catalogue of hundreds of downloadable PS4™ and PS5™ games as part of PlayStation Plus Extra. Or join PlayStation Plus Deluxe to add classic titles and time-limited game trials into the mix.
Before the new PlayStation Plus Launch:
Q: “Will I be able to use the stacking feature?”
A: “Adding additional time or “stacking” PlayStation Plus membership is temporarily disabled in preparation of the PlayStation Plus relaunch, please try to redeem your voucher after your subscription has ended or after PlayStation Plus has relaunched. More detail about the changes to PlayStation Plus can be found on the “PlayStation Blog ”
After the new PlayStation Plus Launch:
Q: “How can I redeem my previous PlayStation Plus voucher”
A: Currently stacking subscriptions using the PlayStation Plus voucher is temporarily disabled but with the launch of the new PlayStation Plus, users will be able to start stacking subscriptions again.
When current PlayStation Plus users redeem PlayStation Plus vouchers, users will be provided a different period of subscription depending on the user’s subscription status. Please see the conversion table below for details.
Conversion table
Asia | Non-Subscriber | Essential | Extra | Deluxe |
1M Plus Voucher | 31 Days of Essential | 31 Days of Essential | 21 Days of Extra | 18 Days of Deluxe |
3M Plus Voucher | 92 Days of Essential | 92 Days of Essential | 56 Days of Extra | 49 Days of Deluxe |
12M Plus Voucher | 365 Days of Essential | 365 Days of Essential | 219 Days of Extra | 190 Days of Deluxe |
Q: I’m a non-subscriber & own 12M Plus voucher – Enable to purchase PS Plus Extra using the voucher?
A: If a player is a non-subscriber and redeems the voucher code, will receive 365 days of Essential
Option1: Redeem the voucher and receive Essential first then, upgrade to Extra or Deluxe
Option2: Purchase Extra or Deluxe without using the voucher first, then extend using voucher redemption
For more information, click here on the official site’s FAQ.
PlayStation Network Card Redemption Guide :
- Sign in to PlayStation Network on your PS5, PS4, PS3, PSP or PC.
- Head to PlayStation Store and select the Redeem Codes icon at the top of the page.
- Enter the PSN card code and the funds will be added to your wallet instantly.
Here is the Playstation Network Card redemption guide in further details