LE 500 Carrefour Egypt

12.40 $

Note: Carrefour gift vouchers is valid in any Carrefour or Carrefour Market listed in the Egypt and not valid to any country than Egypt

Redemption steps:


Visit Carrefour stores
Present the original gift card at the cash counter
Staff will scan the gift card for checkout


Go to Carrefour application
Click on the bottom “More”, scroll down then click on Carrefour wallet
Input the gift card number and PIN code then the gift card value will be added to your wallet
At checkout you will have an option to pay using your wallet
Important Note: Once the gift card is added to the wallet, the gift card amount will be transferred to the wallet and the gift card cannot be used anymore. the gift card amount can be used only within Carrefour application


buy Carrefour gift vouchers :

buy Carrefour gift vouchers Egypt at Discounted Prices in Egypt to Increase Your Daily Savings
Carrefour is the most reputable retail brand in the world. Shop in-store and via the Carrefour app to get food, groceries, electronics, mobile phones, beauty products, and more.

Additionally, the Carrefour eGift card is a great choice for celebratory gifting during Eid, Christmas, Diwali, or any of the many other holidays celebrated with loved ones, both nearby and far away.

Additionally, you can personalise your Carrefour eGift card by selecting a theme from among our numerous designs that suit all occasions and events. You can then add a message, photo, or video to make it uniquely yours. You can send it right away or schedule the ideal time in advance.

Redemption steps:


Visit Carrefour stores
Present the original gift card at the cash counter
Staff will scan the gift card for checkout


Go to Carrefour application
Click on the bottom “More”, scroll down then click on Carrefour wallet
Input the gift card number and PIN code then the gift card value will be added to your wallet
At checkout you will have an option to pay using your wallet
Important Note: Once the gift card is added to the wallet, the gift card amount will be transferred to the wallet and the gift card cannot be used anymore. the gift card amount can be used only within Carrefour application

Rules and Regulations of  Carrefour AEgift cards:

_Any Egyptian Carrefour or Carrefour Market accepts this eGift card.

_This eGift card may be used to make full or partial payments at any Carrefour Market or hypermarket in Egypt.

_Any remaining funds will be stored on the card and used for future purchases. Questions about balances or partial redemptions are not egycards’s responsibility.

This eGift Card can only be used in the Carrefour Wallet feature within the Carrefour application; it is not yet valid for Carrefour Online purchases.

After the date of purchase, the eGift Card will automatically expire in 12 months.

For details on partial redemption, balance inquiries, expiration, store location, and detailed terms and conditions, please visit the nearest Carrefour store.
Navigate to www.carrefouruae.com/store-finder and click on the Locations link.

Besides, buy Carrefour gift vouchers Egypt and purchase more cards from www.Egycards.com


شراء قسائم هدايا كارفور: قم بشراء قسائم هدايا كارفور مصر بأسعار مخفضة في مصر لزيادة مدخراتك اليومية كارفور هي العلامة التجارية الأكثر شهرة للبيع بالتجزئة في العالم. تسوق داخل المتجر وعبر تطبيق كارفور للحصول على الطعام والبقالة والإلكترونيات والهواتف المحمولة ومنتجات التجميل والمزيد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تعد بطاقة Carrefour eGift خيارًا رائعًا للهدايا الاحتفالية خلال العيد أو عيد الميلاد أو ديوالي أو أي من الأعياد الأخرى العديدة التي يتم الاحتفال بها مع أحبائك، سواء في مكان قريب أو بعيد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكنك تخصيص بطاقة هدايا كارفور الإلكترونية الخاصة بك عن طريق اختيار موضوع من بين تصميماتنا العديدة التي تناسب جميع المناسبات والفعاليات. يمكنك بعد ذلك إضافة رسالة أو صورة أو مقطع فيديو لجعله خاصًا بك بشكل فريد. يمكنك إرسالها على الفور أو جدولة الوقت المثالي مسبقًا. خطوات الاسترداد: